Are You a First Time US Fish and Wildlife Data Basin User?
1. Create a Data Basin account - DO THIS ONE TIME!
- Click here to
sign up for a Data Basin account. DO NOT enter your user name and email yet. Instead click on the DOI via USGS logo in the lower right corner of your window which will connect you directly to federal ScienceBase application. Login to ScienceBase using your normal computer or active directory login name and password credentials. After you have logged in to ScienceBase, you will be re-directed to Data Basin and complete entering basic profile information about yourself such as your organization, job title, tags, etc. Click submit to finish.
- Please note that access to secure data, the system can take up to 24 hours to synchronize SENSITIVE data between ScienceBase data and Data Basin. If you need access immediately, please contact one of the following people:
- Pat Lineback, (916) 414-6559,
- Emilie Luciani, (760) 431-9440, ext 272,
2. USFWS users should always Sign Into Data Basin - Use the DOI Login - See upper right corner of your computer screen

This will provide the following benefits:
- Ability to add your own data, create and share maps, and collaborate with partners.
- Access secure or sensitive data, such as natural heritage species location data, or oil and gas location data, or certain refuge data.
- Access analysis tools that allow you to run a site assessment analysis, buffer data, geocode spreadsheets, etc.
3. To access SENSITIVE natural heritage species location data